I realize I'm hardly the first person to substantiate Wes Craven's sleaze shocker The Last House on the Left as valid filmmaking. Hell, even Roger Ebert gave it a glowing review upon its release, going so far as to credit the film for its "good ear for dialogue and nuance." Given its notoriety as exploitation trash and an amateur exercise in brutality, it's very easy to overlook the film's undertones.
Since Craven's infamous debut however, his films have been graciously re-evaluated for their sharper points regarding the delineation of class, the breakdown of the family, the perils and pointlessness of violence, and even the loss of innocence, which I'll discuss here. All of that delicious subtext is here in his first film (not counting his early forays in porn directing mind you), and it's all the more surprising given the film's reputation for Z-grade acting (not entirely so!) and bumbling changes in tone. Wes Craven, whether he knew it then or not, was already dabbling in his fascinations and establishing himself as a horror auteur, at least on occasion.
This is a breakdown of The Last House on the Left, or a reading rather, to dissect the artistic merit of one of cinema's most grimy grindhouse classics; focusing on the theme of lost innocence, which I think plays hauntingly and nihilistically here. Mari Collingwood's arc, as well as those of Phyllis and Junior, become a sort of cautionary tale about the bleak desecration of youth, inescapable as it is inevitable...
A "true story" precursor acts as lead-in and contrast to a peaceful, idyllic woodland setting; the environment which is both childhood home to the girls and their final resting place. The woods become a central place for for the action of the film, and for Mari's arc in particular, but the childhood home as we know is about to be forever changed.
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Mari's name is etched onto the Collingwood mailbox next to an arrow-struck heart, not unlike something she might scribble in a yearbook or her diary. It signifies her childlike passions and burgeoning desires. Coincidentally the film begins and centers upon Mari's seventeenth birthday, the cusp at which Mari is no longer considered an adolescent.The local postman, having known Mari for years, remarks, "You'd think she's the only kid to reach the age of seventeen. 'Course she's just about the prettiest piece I've ever seen." This pointed statement places Mari into a sexualized context, now a woman in the eyes of those around her.

Much to her mother's dismay, Mari's attending the concert with Phyllis Stone, who's apparently a bad influence. "And from what Nancy Springer tells me, that's not all she does down there," she criticizes. Through cross-cutting we see Phyllis fish a bottle of liquor from the lake in which she's hidden it.
Mari's making it a vocal point to rebel from her mother, as any teenager would. "They're in the iron and steel business... My mother irons and my father steals," jokes Phyllis upon Mom's grueling questioning, to Mari's great pleasure. We cross-cut again to Phyllis and Mari planning to buy grass as Mari continues pointedly making teenage transgressions.

Immediately upon leaving the girls get their first awareness of the threat via a news report on the car radio: a sadistic rapist/murderer gang has escaped into the city. Mari and Phyllis have left the peaceful childhood home for that very same city, and nothing will look the same when they return.
The first cutaway from the female leads is to a shot of Junior Stillo, another paradigm of waning innocence. Junior is nearly the same age as Mari and Phyllis, but his relationship to his father hardly constitutes the loving "Daddy" figure we've seen for Mari. Krug Stillo is notorious for his rape and murder of a priest and two nuns, among other crimes, and had Junior hooked onto heroine as a child, "to control (his) son's life." His first action on screen is to burst the balloon of a playful young boy on the street while Junior passes by unresponsive. Junior has transitioned into adulthood against his will, occasionally reverting into youthful stupor only to be reprimanded by the brutal Krug.

The dooming moment, in which Phyllis is forcibly beaten and raped in front of Mari's eyes, cross cuts with Mari's parents setting up for her birthday celebration at home. The moment of grim, unexpected horror, plays opposite an upbeat, festive moment in which we gain a better understanding of Mari's sexuality, youth and innocence being fully stripped away. She's removed from her family, but still very close.

It seems like the big city offers only sex, drugs and violence, which have now found their way back into the home. Phyllis is forced to urinate on herself or else Mari will be sliced. She's forced to hit Mari, repeatedly, with more force each time. They're simultaneously stripped bare and forced to be kiss and be sexual with one another. The lingering sadism, to which Phyllis remains strong, overcomes Mari. Phyllis tries to comfort her, while a sad serenade plays over them, with the lyrics "Now you're all alone... feeling the world close in on you." Phyllis echoes, "It's just you and me here. Nobody else."

Anyone else curious how they plan to handle to currently-in-production remake?