The countdown continues...
Previous Entries:
(#36-33) (#32-29) (#28-25)
(#24-21) (#20-17) (#16-15)
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(#8-7) (#6-5) (#4)
(#3) A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

The shadows streak with the squeal of metal. A cloak of steam. The distant bleating from the lambs counted in slumber. Tearing into the light comes a claw clutched of razors, fashioned by skilled, burned hands. A brimmed hat hides a face glistening of wounds both fresh and ancient. In Dreams... he walks with you. In Dreams... he talks with you. In Dreams... you're His...

Freddy Kruger at his origin was a nightmare. Perhaps that's why he took so well to the surreal landscape of cinematic horror. Wes Craven's sleepless nights echo into the masses with A Nightmare on Elm Street and its dream demon conjured from the depths of hell and the high school boiler room. A story steeped in adolescent trauma passes it on to the public. A generational cycle of horror encompassed in its tale of a child murderer put to rest and the restless nights of soon-to-be-murdered children. A story of parents crimes revisited on their sleep-deprived children. A film about horrors of the playground via a horror film set in the playground of the mind... The mind of a child who's forced to be a parent through waking realities of divorce and alcoholism. A child with enough strength and smarts to wage war within her own subconscious.
And those special effects are nifty.
For more thoughts...
The Face of Fear:

Killer Looks:
1) Sandman Freddy Krueger.
No rest for the wicked...
No rest for the wicked...

2) Red Rover, Red Rover,
Send Freddy Right Over
Send Freddy Right Over

3) Bad Boy to Hall Monitor

My Thoughts Exactly...

Up Next: (#2-1)
Midwest is Best for Mutilation
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